Mont Blanc Massif National heritage site
Exceptional natural wealth, a remarkable geological heritage, world-famous peaks, the scene of international sporting feats and a mountain steeped in legend… the Mont-Blanc massif is the site of superlatives!
With its thirty kilometers long by fifteen wide, the crystalline massif doesn’t occupy a considerable area of the entire Alpine Arc: just 400 km². But it does hold the title ofthe roof of Western Europe, with its twenty or so peaks over 4,000 meters, including the eponymous summit reaching 4,808 meters.

Espace naturel sensible duMont-Lachat
Managed by the association Asters, Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de Haute-Savoie, it provides 3 fundamental pillars for the preservation of natural areas: drafting the management plan or notice, leading consultation with local players, and implementing management of the area in order to enhance the department’s scheme of sensitive natural areas.
The Mont Lachat site ranges from 1683 m, towards La Chalette, to 2115 m at Mont Lachat level, for an average altitude of 1940 m and totaling an area of 107.2 hectares.
Accessible by several hiking trails, by the Les Houches-Bellevue cable car, as well as by the Tramway du Mont-Blanc departing from Saint-Gervais, the site is particularly interesting in view of its fauna and flora present, typical of Haute-Savoie.
APHN Mont-Blanc natural habitat protection order
The Mont-Blanc, Europe’s highest peak and the object of much envy… Extremely attractive and plagued by over-visitation, the roof of Europe is a listed site that relies on an extremely fragile natural balance. Attracting several tens of thousands of climbers a year, the craze for its ascent continues to grow, and with it the problems generated by this ever-increasing tourist pressure.
The creation of the APHN du Mont-Blanc in 2020 has thus made it possible to protect this unique site in the world, regulating its visit while making climbing conditions safe. Thanks to all these measures, the fragile existing balances, previously threatened, can once again run freely at the expense of the site’s now controlled frequentation.