Piscine - 798 avenue de miage, Mur de la poste - 53 avenue de miage, Gares télécabine DMC - avenue du mont d'arbois le chatelet, 74170 Saint-Gervais-les-Bains
After the 2KM3 car park, urban art artists invade other unusual places in the town: the north facade of the post office, the three stations of the Saint-Gervais gondola, Bettex and Mont d'Arbois and the swimming pool of Saint -Gervais!
Piscine - 798 avenue de miage, Mur de la poste - 53 avenue de miage, Gares télécabine DMC - avenue du mont d'arbois le chatelet, 74170 Saint-Gervais-les-Bains