I am
Saint-Gervais water
©Pascal Deloche

Non-collective sanitation service

On this page, you’ll find all the information you need for your sanitation requests: rates, list of emptiers, schedule of visits…

Inspection pricing

The SPANC is also an SPIC (Service Publique, Industriel et Commercial), which implies that this service must be balanced financially and therefore financially autonomous, vis-à-vis other communal budgets.

The SPANC users will therefore have to contribute to the running of the service through a fee. This is agreed on a flat-rate basis as follows:

Initial inspection: 151.20€ HT

Diagnosis of proper operation and maintenance of installations prior to 1998
Verification of design and execution of installations built since 1998

Periodic inspection: 151.20€ HT

Diagnosis of proper operation and maintenance (seen every 4 years)

Design and siting control: 94.74 € HT

Validation of a new project, or a rehabilitation, of a non-collective sanitation installation

Control of proper execution of work: 142.18 € HT

Validation of work, during and at the end of completion
