©Boris Molinier

School enrolment

The Mayor's responsibility

It is the communes that decide on the creation and location of schools, and bear the cost of construction, equipment and operation.

From the start of the 2019 school year, schooling is compulsory for all children aged 3 and over. This applies to all children who turn 3 in the calendar year of the start of the school year: children who turn 3 before the start of the school year in September can only be enrolled from September, children who will turn 3 before December 31 of the current year can be enrolled from the start of the school year in September.

Families residing in the commune of Saint Gervais les Bains, can pre-register for the next school year before December 31.

School registration

Parents must present

With the following documents:

  • proof of address less than three months old,
  • the livret de famille,
  • identity document of the parent,
  • if separated parents, attestation on the 2nd parent’s honor granting full authority for the child’s schooling

A registration certificate will be issued by the Town’s services.

Parents should then contact the headmistress of the relevant nursery school to meet with her, armed with the following documents:

  • the enrolment certificate given to them by the municipal services,
  • the health record,
  • a passport photo of the child (for the Le Fayet school group).

The school management will welcome parents and new children at different slots. Information will be provided at the time of pre-registration.

For all Information additional

Pôle Vie Locale – Service scolaire

Canteen & after-school care Payment / Registration

The whole life School and after-school care in Saint-Gervais

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