Municipal information document on major risks
The purpose of the Document d’Information Communal sur les Risques Majeurs – DICRIM – is to inform the population about existing risks and how to protect themselves against them. It indicates prevention, protection and safeguard measures (including safety instructions) relating to the risks to which the commune is subject.
Hunting regulations
Hunting regulations in the département are evolving to promote better cohabitation between the various users of natural areas (walkers, hunters, mountain bikers…).
The Fédération Départementale des Chasseurs (FDC), together with the Préfet and his services at the Direction Départementale des Territoires (DDT), in consultation with local hunting leaders and other stakeholders, have strengthened the regulatory provisions and developed new tools to guarantee hunting, preserve damage control, prevent road collisions and enable the public to enjoy peri-urban natural areas, in safety.