Mont-Blanc normal route

Risk prevention

Municipal information document on major risks

The purpose of the Document d’Information Communal sur les Risques Majeurs – DICRIM – is to inform the population about existing risks and how to protect themselves against them. It indicates prevention, protection and safeguard measures (including safety instructions) relating to the risks to which the commune is subject.

Hunting regulations

Hunting regulations in the département are evolving to promote better cohabitation between the various users of natural areas (walkers, hunters, mountain bikers…).

The Fédération Départementale des Chasseurs (FDC), together with the Préfet and his services at the Direction Départementale des Territoires (DDT), in consultation with local hunting leaders and other stakeholders, have strengthened the regulatory provisions and developed new tools to guarantee hunting, preserve damage control, prevent road collisions and enable the public to enjoy peri-urban natural areas, in safety.


Radioactivity analysis at Saint-Gervais 2011

Mushrooms, chanterelles and ceps, were sent in 2011 to the laboratory of the Commission de Recherche et d’Information Indépendes sur la Radioactivité, the results were received in early September and compared with those of previous years’ analyses. No changes were noted.

Here is the laboratory’s conclusion: “as regards gamma-emitting artificial radionuclides, the presence of caesium 137 was detected at levels of 32 to 51 Bq/kg dry, corresponding to low contamination levels of less than 5 Bq/kg fresh. This contamination is not linked to the Fukushima disaster (absence of cesium-134), but most likely to the fallout from nuclear testing (particularly intense in the 50s and 60s) and the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. Cesium-137 deposited on soils decays only slowly (its physical half-life is 30 years) and fungi concentrate it via the mycelium. Of course, there’s also the classic presence of natural potassium-40.”

Safety on the ski slopes

Traffic in the ski area is governed by municipal by-laws.

Tête Rousse glacier water pocket

The warning and evacuation area in the event of a water pocket rupture on the Tête Rousse glacier has been resized. Here is the information on this subject.

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