Work in downtown Saint-Gervais
©Antoine Frioux

Your town planning procedures in the Saint-Gervais les Bains area

Your online town planning procedures

Online filing is a new service offered to users, but is not an obligation for you. Our services continue to welcome your paper or mailed requests, with the same legal processing times for your requests. Files can be sent in PDF, JPEG or PNG format. The maximum size accepted is 10 MB/piece.

Online filing is...

A service that’s accessible whenever and wherever you are, in a simplified process.


Save time and money: no need to go to the town hall to submit your application, or send it by registered post.


A more ecological approach, thanks to digital files that no longer need to be printed in multiple copies.


Greater transparency in the processing of your applications, thanks to an entirely paperless circuit with all the players involved in the instruction process, and easier exchanges right up to the administrative decision.

I have a project

Certificat d’urbanisme, déclaration préalable de travaux, permis de construire, de démolir, d’aménager, all these requests require prior authorization issued by the commune before any work is undertaken. To complete your town planning formalities, the commune provides a secure, free and easily accessible online service.


Preparing my file

To guarantee the quality and admissibility of your application, prepare your request by contacting our services, who will be able to guide you every step of the way, in particular to: choose the CERFA form best suited to your work, edit all the documents required for its appraisal, anticipate your timetable for completion.



I deposit online

Submit your requests for planning permission on the “Guichet unique” platform

Practical information

The floor area is defined as the sum of the floor areas of each enclosed and covered level of the building, calculated from the bare interior of the facades (i.e. the area calculated inside the walls of the building). For information on planning permission and to download forms, click HERE.

Restoration of old alpine chalets

The restoration or reconstruction of former mountain chalets, which have lost their agricultural vocation, may be authorized by the prefect, on condition that they protect and enhance mountain heritage, without undermining the preservation of spaces, landscapes and environments characteristic of mountain heritage.

To explain these complex regulations and establish the procedure for examining applications, the French government has produced a guide that has been approved by the departmental commission for nature, sites and landscapes (CDNPS) and the departmental commission for the protection of natural, agricultural and forest areas (CDPENAF): guide relative à la restauration des anciens chalets d’alpage

As an elected official, professional or owner, it will help you draw up a project to restore or rebuild a mountain chalet, taking care to preserve its heritage value, a symbol of simplicity and harmony with nature.

To submit a file for the restoration of an old mountain pasture chalet, you’ll need to fill in the demande d’autorisation préfectorale pour la restauration ou la reconstruction d’un ancien chalet d’alpage (Only files that include all the requested documents will be processed). Technical fact sheets have also been drawn up by the DDT , UDAP and the Conseil d’Architecture, d’Urbanisme et de l’Environnement (CAUE):

Planning permission consultation Mandatory online posting

  1. liste des dossiers d’urbanisme déposés et en cours d’instruction (non consultables)
  2. liste des dossiers d’urbanisme délivrés durant ces 2 derniers mois
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